News | Tarpaulin Sky Press


News | Tarpaulin Sky Press


Claire Donato's Burial receives starred review at Publishers Weekly

Publishers Weekly gives a starred review to Claire Donato's debut novella, Burial (Tarpaulin Sky Press 2013) "Donato has composed with unrelenting, grotesque beauty an exhaustive recursive obsession about the unburiability of the dead, and the incomprehensibility of death."

Blake Butler at VICE reviews, excerpts Johannes Göransson’s Haute Surveillance

Johannes Göransson's Haute Surveillance (Tarpaulin Sky Press 2013): "A feverish and explicit set of images and ideas revolving around power, fetish, porn, media, violence, translation, punishment, performance, and aesthetics. Taking its title from a Jean Genet play of the same name, it’s kind of like a novelization of a movie about the production of a play based on Abu Ghraib, though with way more starlets and cocaine and semen.... [B]eautifully startling and fucked and funny and tender and sad and putrid and glitter-covered all at once."

Johannes Göransson’s Haute Surveillance and Uche Nduka’s Ijele reviewed by Stacy Hardy

Writes Hardy: "The narrative of [Göransson's Haute Surveillance] is itinerant, slippery. It unwinds, confused by voices, rhythms, and accents, 'interlingual puns', 'auto-translations' and 'automutilations' that befuddle the desire for a secure semantics. It is at once a prose poem, a 'novel dedicated to the homos and the awkward perfumists', a biography of its author, an 'autobiography of a foreigner', 'a fashion show dedicated to a riot', a film script and a theoretical text.... 'This is the first lesson in haute surveillance: Always write like you’re a teenage virgin. Always reach for the gun.'"

Laura Carter reviews Johannes Göransson's Haute Surveillance at Fanzine

"Imagine that you are on a secret journey through the life of Jean Genet, through the shifting framework of a character made by Johannes Göransson," writes Carter, who imagines no small number of scenarios for readers of Haute Surveillance (TSky Press, 2013), in a review that's worth reading as a thing unto itself. "You are a teenage virgin," Carter continues, a few sentences later, "the marriage of pornography and Art, which will, in the long run (as many Woody Allen movies suggest) turn you into a Dictator."

Danielle Dutton interviewed at The Paris Review

At The Paris Review, Nicole Rudick interviews TSky Press author Danielle Dutton (Attempts at a Life) about her fabulous press, Dorothy, a publishing project, along with topics ranging from crossover readerships (you know, poets who deign read fiction, and vice versa), artist Yelena Bryksenkova, book design, and the real Aunt Dorothy....

HTML GIANT review of Kim Gek Lin Short's China Cowboy

We'd like to believe that Sarah Heady's estimation of China Cowboy is an apt description, generally, of the work TSky Press seeks to publish--work that "has expanded and fused the poetic and narrative fields, creating a zone where elegance and grace can gambol with the just-plain-fucked-up."

Bookslut reviews Johannes Göransson's entrance to a colonial pageant in which we all begin to intricate

At Bookslut, Lorian Long reviews Johannes Goransson's *entrance to a colonial pageant*: "Despite the tiny size of Colonial Pageant, it contains a gore so massive you will either shower or move the book to the other side of the bedroom upon opening its cover....Body parts, body styles. Genitalia as fashion, as construct, as exploit. Göransson takes Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity and blasts it with skin-made dynamite. He creates such a mess of appendages, desires, and impulses that the taglines of Queer Theory or Gender Studies seem antiquated compared to the blurring of binaries to be found in this work. It is a new thing. Göransson has managed to produce a discomfiting, filthy, hilarious, and ecstatic piece of literature that is cocked and ready."

Huffington Post and Lantern Review examine, praise Jenny Boully's not merely because of the unknown…

Huffington Post and Lantern Review praise Jenny Boully's *not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them* (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2011): "Boully has captured the darkness of Barrie's text, and in elevating its inter- and sub-textualities to the level of discourse she illuminates and reinvigorates her source material without sacrificing any of its creepiness, wonder, or violence. Simultaneously metaphysical and visceral, these addresses from Wendy to Peter in lyric prose are scary, sexual, and intellectually disarming."

Sarah Goldstein's Fables reviewed at The Iowa Review

Sarah Goldstein's *Fables* (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2011) is reviewed at The Iowa Review: "Goldstein’s vision and approach is wholly new. Her work in this collection is more than translation and transcription: Fables contains poems that whisper tradition but fully stand on their own."

Johannes Göransson interviewed at 3:AM Magazine

At 3:AM Magazine, SJ Fowler conducts a brief but excellent interview with Johannes Göransson, with an emphasis on translation. "When you bring translations into the discussion," says Goransson, "people tend to get suspicious: How do we know that the poem is good in the original? That it’s a “faithful” translation? That we’re not being fooled? How can we master all this excess? You can’t of course. And that’s the beauty of it."

The 2017 Tarpaulin Sky Book Prize Winners & Finalists

We don't need to tell you that the last several months have been exceptionally brutal. Nor will we comment further, except to say it is in the context of this nationwide brutality that we read manuscripts for the 2017 TS Book Prizes.

Kenyon Review on Amy King’s “The Missing Museum”

At Kenyon Review, editor Janet McAdams dives into Amy King's The Missing Museum (TS Press 2016): "A visceral stunner ... and an instruction manual.... King’s archival work testifies to the power—however obscured by the daily noise of our historical moment—of art, of the possibility for artists to legislate the world."

Lambda Literary Reviews The Missing Museum by Amy King (TS 2016)

The books we publish are often "difficult." Some reviewers have the chops to deal with it. Others, not so much. We get lucky with Heather Seggel at Lambda Literary, who is willing to to tackle Amy King's latest, The Missing Museum, a book that is precisely as difficult as, you know, the rest of life.

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