Angela’s Story
by Christian Peet
Nonfiction | Novel
300 pages. Paperback.
Reconstructed from case files, Angela’s Story is a heartbreaking true-crime novel about the wrongful conviction of Jeremy Barney, who as a teenager was sentenced to twenty years in maximum-security prison for crimes that never actually occurred.
With illustrations by Noah Saterstrom.
Read more about the case at the website for Jeremy Barney.

Angela’s Story
by Christian Peet
Nonfiction | Novel 300 pages. Paperback.
Reconstructed from case files, Angela’s Story is a heartbreaking true-crime novel about the wrongful conviction of Jeremy Barney, who as a teenager was sentenced to twenty years in maximum-security prison for crimes that never actually occurred.
With illustrations by Noah Saterstrom.
Read more about the case at the website for Jeremy Barney.

About the Author
Christian Peet is the founder and publisher of Tarpaulin Sky Press, and the author of the true-crime novel Angela’s Story (forthcoming), chronicling factual child sex, figurative monsters, and fuzzy forensics in a small New England town, including the wrongful conviction of Peet’s teenage nephew, Jeremy Barney, in a case taken up by the Connecticut Innocence Project in 2016. Shorter books include a collection of “postcards,” Big American Trip (Shearsman Books, 2009), and two chapbooks of absurd lyric essays: Pluto: Never Forget (Interbirth Books, 2011) and The Nines (Palm Press, 2006). Christian’s work appears in the anthologies A Best Of Fence: The First Nine Years (Fence Books) and A Megaphone (Chain Arts), as well as in magazines such as Action Yes, Denver Quarterly, Drunken Boat, SleepingFish, Spinning Jenny, and Trickhouse. Peet received a BA from Bennington College, a MFA from Goddard College, and has taught Literature and Creative Writing classes at Brooklyn and Hunter Colleges, for the City University of New York.

About the Author
Christian Peet is the founder and publisher of Tarpaulin Sky Press, and the author of the true-crime novel Angela’s Story (forthcoming), chronicling factual child sex, figurative monsters, and fuzzy forensics in a small New England town, including the wrongful conviction of Peet’s teenage nephew, Jeremy Barney, in a case taken up by the Connecticut Innocence Project in 2016. Shorter books include a collection of “postcards,” Big American Trip (Shearsman Books, 2009), and two chapbooks of absurd lyric essays: Pluto: Never Forget (Interbirth Books, 2011) and The Nines (Palm Press, 2006). Christian’s work appears in the anthologies A Best Of Fence: The First Nine Years (Fence Books) and A Megaphone (Chain Arts), as well as in magazines such as Action Yes, Denver Quarterly, Drunken Boat, SleepingFish, Spinning Jenny, and Trickhouse. Peet received a BA from Bennington College, a MFA from Goddard College, and has taught Literature and Creative Writing classes at Brooklyn and Hunter Colleges, for the City University of New York.