TS Press News

Huffington Post and Lantern Review examine, praise Jenny Boully's not merely because of the unknown…

Huffington Post and Lantern Review praise Jenny Boully's *not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them* (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2011): "Boully has captured the darkness of Barrie's text, and in elevating its inter- and sub-textualities to the level of discourse she illuminates and reinvigorates her source material without sacrificing any of its creepiness, wonder, or violence. Simultaneously metaphysical and visceral, these addresses from Wendy to Peter in lyric prose are scary, sexual, and intellectually disarming."

Sarah Goldstein's Fables reviewed at The Iowa Review

Sarah Goldstein's *Fables* (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2011) is reviewed at The Iowa Review: "Goldstein’s vision and approach is wholly new. Her work in this collection is more than translation and transcription: Fables contains poems that whisper tradition but fully stand on their own."

Johannes Göransson’s entrance to a colonial pageant reviewed at Red Fez

Johannes Göransson’s *entrance to a colonial pageant* is reviewed by Robert Kloss at Red Fez: "One of those rare literary achievements, a work so new and brilliant and strange that a reviewer initially fumbles for any possible comparisons and antecedents to make sense of the text in-question.... With no true literary antecedent as preparation, the accumulating horror of Göransson’s prose onslaughts overwhelm with their ruthless beauty, to remarkable and lasting effect."

Johannes Göransson interviewed at 3:AM Magazine

At 3:AM Magazine, SJ Fowler conducts a brief but excellent interview with Johannes Göransson, with an emphasis on translation. "When you bring translations into the discussion," says Goransson, "people tend to get suspicious: How do we know that the poem is good in the original? That it’s a “faithful” translation? That we’re not being fooled? How can we master all this excess? You can’t of course. And that’s the beauty of it."

HTML Giant review of Jenny Boully's not merely because of the unknown…

At HTML Giant, Kristin Sanders provides a brilliant and fun review of Jenny Boully's not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them (Tarpaulin Sky, 2011): "[not merely] offers more questions than answers. Who are the Lost Boys, really, and why are they clothed in bearsuits? What’s the history between Peter and Mrs. Darling? How many other little girls did Peter whisk off to Neverland? How does one properly dispose of Never poo? About Tinkerbell, Boully wonders: “where ever will we get such small medical supplies for you? The Tinker dental dam; the Tinker tampon.”

Jenny Boully's not merely because of the unknown reviewed at Open Letters Monthly

Jenny Boully's *not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them* (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2011) is reviewed by Karen Hannah at Open Letters Monthly: "Jenny Boully imagines characters escaping the fate of becoming a character and lifts the veil of their narrative to reveal the unknown that is ever urging one to become something other. Boully shows us that even developed characters can still question who they want to become—that choice still exists within the margins of a proper name. Boully continually explores how self is both a home that we bury deep within ourselves but are also in relentless pursuit to dig up. A beast of our own making, character is made up of what one does not know about oneself or one’s relationships with others."

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