Karen Hannah, at Open Letters Monthly, reviews Jenny Boully’s not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them.

Actually, it’s less of a review and more of a dissertation. Which is freakin awesome. Thank you for your attention, Karen and Open Letters Monthly!

Imagine everything that you have let your eyes forget manifesting for a moment. What do you see? Who do you become? In not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them, Jenny Boully imagines characters escaping the fate of becoming a character and lifts the veil of their narrative to reveal the unknown that is ever urging one to become something other. Boully shows us that even developed characters can still question who they want to become—that choice still exists within the margins of a proper name. Boully continually explores how self is both a home that we bury deep within ourselves but are also in relentless pursuit to dig up. A beast of our own making, character is made up of what one does not know about oneself or one’s relationships with others.

Read the full review at Open Letters Monthly.

Visit the book’s webpage to read more about Jenny Boully’s not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them.