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Kim Gek Lin Short: The Bugging Watch and Other Exhibits

The Bugging Watch & Other Exhibits is the prose elegy of a boy who wants to be a bug in order to save by symbiosis the dead girl he loves. Enacted in prose poems and cross-referenced datebooks, the inseparable lovers eternally rehearse for a real life together, repeating in that instant between being and nonbeing, the loss into which their love escaped. "beguiling and entirely enthralling" (ART + CULTURE); “An opiate trip . . . terrifying, ungraspable . . . sad and beautiful” (NEW PAGES); “Irresistible!” (NORMA COLE); “Do not read this book at night” (BHANU KAPIL); “This small unsettling book . . . both conceals and reveals its morbidity, its twisted thirsts” (JOYELLE MCSWEENEY); “Valentines . . . cut from thick, mealy-colored childhood stock. Here is language as enchantment” (SELAH SATERSTROM)

Joanna Ruocco

Joanna Ruocco is the author of Man's Companions, published by Tarpaulin Sky Press, as well as A Compendium of Domestic Incidents (Noemi Press) and the novel The Mothering Coven (Ellipsis Press). Winner of the Catherine Doctorow Innovative Fiction Prize, judged by Ben Marcus, Joanna's forthcoming book from FC2 is Another Governess/The Least Blacksmith-A Diptych. Joanna co-edits Birkensnake, a fiction journal. She currently resides in Denver, Colorado.

Joanna Ruocco: Man’s Companions

Joanna Ruocco's first short-fiction collection, Man's Companions, from Tarpaulin Sky Press: "Find yourself warped from one world to another, transported by the flight of her words between languages" (THE NATION); "Ruocco's understated humor and irony have a playful, experimental appeal" (PUBLISHERS WEEKLY); "Early Lydia Davis seems not unfairly applicable, as does Amy Hempel" (ART + CULTURE); "Ruocco is consistently inventive. She tilts the world as we know it, challenging our senses" (TRIQUARTERLY)

Traci O. Connor

Traci O Connor is the author of Recipes for Endangered Species from Tarpaulin Sky Press (2010), and has published fiction, non-fiction, and poetry in journals such as Barrow Street, Fourteen Hills, Gargoyle, Margie, Mid-American Review, LIT, DIAGRAM, and elsewhere.

Traci O. Connor: Recipes for Endangered Species

Traci O Connor's debut collection of short fictions, Recipes for Endangered Species (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2010): "These stories constitute some tender, aching love stories. Connor's characters are curious specimens who don't quite fit in, but have rich inner lives.... Creepy, Hitchcockian..... Juxtaposes vivid descriptions of flowers with excerpts from the painter's late asylum notebooks to evoke the chilling stream-of-consciousness of a troubled narrator..... A kind of nut job's notebook, full of Lolita-like obsession (including photographs). Cocktail recipes conclude each of the stories in this varied and occasionally unnerving debut collection." (PUBLISHERS WEEKLY)

Ana Bozicevic

Ana Bozicevic is the author of Stars of the Night Commute (Tarpaulin Sky Press; a 2010 Lambda Award Finalist for Lesbian Poetry), Rise in the Fall (Birds, LLC 2013) and five chapbooks of poetry, most recently War on a Lunchbreak (Belladonna*, 2011). With Željko Mitić, she is the editor of The Day Lady Gaga Died: an Anthology of NYC Poetry of the 21st Century (in Serbian, Peti talas/The Fifth Wave, 2011).

Ana Božičević: Stars of the Night Commute

Ana Božičević's debut poetry collection, Stars of the Night Commute is 2010 Lambda Award Finalist for Lesbian Poetry. "Thought-provoking, inspired and unexpected. Highly recommended" (AFTER ELLEN); "heart and eyes intact and hungry for the redemptive and the beautiful, after having experienced all that is contrary to the love and kindness (that can be) human beings" (JACKET); "Ana Bozicevic's poetry has everything—a mastery of language, a distinct and singular voice and a worldview so visionary and all-encompassing, so as to both terrify and astound" (NOELLE KOCOT); "Heart and eyes intact and hungry for the redemptive and the beautiful, after having experienced all that is contrary" (JACKET); "It’s either about silence or the racket of the world.... I trust it" (EILEEN MYLES)

Gordon Massman

Gordon Massman is the author of The Essential Numbers 1991 - 2008, from Tarpaulin Sky Press. He divides his time between Medford, MA, and the island of Frenchboro, ME. Poems from The Essential Numbers have appeared in The Numbers (Pavement Saw Press) as well as in Exquisite Corpse, The Harvard Review, The New York Quarterly, Pleiades, Tarpaulin Sky, and elsewhere.

Gordon Massman: The Essential Numbers 1991-2008

Gordon Massman's The Essential Numbers 1991-2008, from Tarpaulin Sky Press: "Unyielding monoliths of spit and tongue.... Fucked and ready to fuck your head.... Where so much ‘poetry’ can be yadda, these are words saying something hard and loud, and meaning it.... This is the kind of book you can’t ask for until you have it." (BLAKE BUTLER, HTML GIANT); "Gordon Massman is the kind of writer that guts you, revolts you" (SHELLY TAYLOR); "timid people be damned" (BRANDON SHIMODA)

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