TS Press News

Bookslut reviews Max Winter’s The Pictures

At Booklslut, Olivia Cronk reviews Max Winter's *The Pictures* (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2007): "[The Pictures] knows how to please; its breathy moments of profundity are tempered by an evenly handled attention to the landscape of the imagination. Max Winter, also a poetry editor at the endlessly hip Fence, is generous in his willingness to make toy-like the reader’s experience while uncompromising in his specificity..... And this, I must tell you, is inherently fun to read."

Bookslut interviews Danielle Dutton

At Bookslut, Angela Stubbs interviews Danielle Dutton, author of *Attempts at a Life* (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2007): "Another odd thing that Christian noticed is that I tend to hyphenate words that don’t need to be hyphenated because they are just two separate words that a normal person wouldn’t hyphenate or they’re actually one word that doesn’t need a hyphen. Christian had an interesting theory about it, that maybe it has to do with how close I am to texts that are a century (or more) old. There’s a lot of rabid hyphenating going on in those books. Now I see that I do it all the time. I’m constantly asking myself, “Does this need a hyphen? What am I doing?” It’s like a sickness."

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