Scrambled eggs with onions
No dolls, tea, or cake
Pink is for girls in the guts of a snake
Boulder with the face of a witch I knew well
Proud of the silage, describing the smell
Skinny, a tuesday, a scabby knee skirt
Cement flies in cake blood, say it don't hurt
English, just English
A good milk pod rash
Sturdy, like turtles, our head close to our ass
I'll feel so blue collar, but I don't know that yet
Some people are colors
We were a few
Ruffled Grouse
for luncheon
Dispersement of
three finger
claw stitched quilts
I have the recipe in
my pocket
The partridgeberry
hand cut beams
sauce, bread
The line
The names
The hands
I think I had sex
With my cousin |