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 Sandy Florian
32 Pedals & 47 Stops
7" x 8.25", 36 pages, saddle-sewn
February, 2007
Linoblock print cover
- click here for more images of the book
Sandy Florian is obsessed with time, which is a good thing. Etymologically speaking, obsession means to be besieged, and so to be obsessed with time is to be besieged by it, to feel it around you, to worry about it and to celebrate it, to think about it constantly, to know that it is always there and that, paradoxically, there is never enough of it. Of course, a literary art obsessed with time is nothing new; Sandy’s predilection puts her in a long lineage of writers and some heady company. What's new in 32 Pedals & 47 Stops is not the rendering of time past, but the experience of time itself passing. Here, Florian’s mode of measurement is a template of sentence structures, paragraph breaks, and tones through which each of her characters pass. Each scene, each moment in time is affected by a shapeshifting personality intent on disruption. As characters and objects appear, disappear, and reappear, one experiences both the evanescence of things and the ghostly accretion of memory, a sense of déjà vu, a sense that something you have experienced is somewhere just out of your mind’s grasp. Throughout these prose poems, Florian “makes strange” the mundane moment by revealing its artificial measurement—and by revealing that there is always something strange happening—in moments that are playful, sad, jolting, pick-pocketing, surprising, puzzling, and beautifully disorienting.
About Sandy Florian
Sandy Florian is the author of Telescope (Action Books) and 32 Pedals & 47 Stops (Tarpaulin Sky Press). The Tree of No is forthcoming with Action Books. Her poetry and prose appears in over
30 national and international journals including Slope, Bird Dog, Horseless Review, Indiana Review, Bombay
Gin, Parthenon West Review, and Shampoo. Visit Sandy Florian's blog at http://boxingthecompass.blogspot.com
Reviews of 32 Pedals & 47 Stops
"Any discussion of what a prose poem can do would be enhanced by a reading of Sandy Florian’s enviably smart work."
—Full review in Octopus Magazine, written by Heather Green
Excerpts from 32 Pedals & 47 Stops:
Readings & events for Sandy Florian and 32 Pedals & 47 Stops
upcoming . . .
past . . .
February 10, 2007: Lincoln, NE
Sandy Florian, Julie Doxsee, & Summer Browning
7 PM @ The Sheldon Memorial Gallery
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
February 8, 2007: Fort Collins, CO
Sandy Florian & Julie Doxsee
7pm @ Hatton Gallery
Colorado State University
January 14, 2007: Berkeley, CA
w/ Sandy Florian & Arielle Greenberg
7:30 PM @ Pegasus Books
2349 Shattuck Avenue
December 14, 2006: Amsterdam, Holland
featuring Sandy Florian
7pm @ Nachttheater Sugar Factory
Lijnbaansgracht 238
December 11, 2006: Paris, France
Sandy Florian & Michelle Noteboom
Berkeley Books
8, rue Casimir Delavigne
M° Odéon
May 13, 2006: New York, NY
Jenny B0ully, Sandy Florian, Electa Arenal & Bea Gates
2PM @ The Four-Faced Liar
165 West 4th Street (between 6th & 7th Ave)